Who We Are

We are a non-profit organisation dedicated to the re-homing of unwanted dogs and improving the health and wellbeing of dogs identified as either neglected or abused.  The charity was formed over 20 years ago and became a registered charity in 2015.  Our focus is animal welfare and increasing the quality of life for dogs which are neglected or abused.

Dog Welfare

We do not believe in destroying a healthy dog. All dogs surrendered to the charity are assessed, checked thoroughly by a veterinary surgeon, licenced and then rehomed with an appropriate, matched individual or family.

In addition, we receive a large number of calls from members of the public who have concerns that they may have witnessed a case of abuse or neglect to a dog which lives near them. As a charity, we provide support by helping them to report their concerns to the relevant authority with legal responsibility to assess and review.

On some occasions as a charity, members may speak with the individuals and aim to resolve in the first instance. The welfare of the dog is our priority.

Forever Home

At Causeway Coast Dog Rescue, we are passionate about the dogs we care for and our aim of the charity is simply to re-home unwanted dogs with loving families.

This can sometimes take a little time as many of the dogs received have underlying issues which we aim to support prior to being rehomed.  It is important to us that we take the time to clarify which home is the best, matched to each individual dog.

Again, the dog is our priority and we believe that every dog deserves a second chance!

What We Do

Dogs running on green grass

Prior to the dog going to their new forever home, each microchip is updated with new owners’ details, a dog licence is provided and an official check-up with the charity’s official vet. In addition, the dog will always be neutered as we do not agree with dogs being used for breeding.

We also provide a support service for others who are concerned about animal welfare in their area. This may be a signposting service to ensure they approach the correct authorities to report the abuse or neglect, or we provide a mediation service to help understand and resolve a neighbour’s concerns.
If you wish to surrender your dog to the CCDR due to personal circumstances, we will take your dog, assess it and source an appropriate forever home to meet the needs of your dog.

We also support families and individuals to find a dog which is suitable with their own requirements and circumstances.

At the CCDR our members work with a number of other charities and agencies to support those in our community, especially when they are finding it difficult to look after their dog.  We support with information and understanding and always take the time to help those who ask for support. We strongly believe, ‘Every dog deserves a second chance!’ 


We also organise fund raising events such as organised dog walks, car boot sales, bag packing and so on. All monies raised are used to feed the animals and to provide veterinary care.


Have you thought about becoming a Volunteer? We are searching for support in our local community, to help in our charity shop, fundraising/events, fund collection and fostering.

Our Mission

Dog in field

The purpose of the Causeway Coast Dog Rescue Limited is to ensure the advancement of animal welfare, focusing on dogs, within Northern Ireland, primarily within the Causeway Coast area.

The organisation raises funds to provide rehoming services, supporting residents of all ages, with all backgrounds. A suitable home is sourced to provide care to an animal that is unwanted or has been potentially suffering.

We source a fit for purpose home when rehoming a dog, to ensure advancement of animal welfare.

We work directly with our local community, supporting to understand their responsibilities within legislation to reduce animal homelessness while aiming to stop animal neglect and abuse.

We support our local schools in their education of children to raise awareness on the importance of advancing animal welfare and the level of responsibility needed when providing a home for a dog.

We also provide support to residents by providing advice on suitable animals, appropriate for their lifestyle, to secure an appropriate home for the dog, and an appropriate pet for the family.

Additional information is provided to local and central government departments clarifying statistics on rehoming dogs, cruelty cases and action taken against those committing cruelty, animal welfare organisations and consultation with residents in Northern Ireland on ways to make advancement on animal welfare.

We continue to raise awareness on animal welfare advancement through media interviews, publications, and promotion. An important role for the organisation is to build relationships and secure partnerships to deliver the advancement of animal welfare in Northern Ireland, by gaining training on legislative requirements, gaining understanding from other agencies on how they work and what they achieve, reporting and investigating cruelty cases in partnership with other agencies, promoting the importance of the health and well-being of animals, ensuring medical and veterinary advice to animals when required.